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Aleister Crowley

Samuel Weiser Inc, York Beach, Maine, 1988. Paperback. Preface by Hymenaeus Alpha (Grady McMurtry) . Containing 14 Libers: I, VII, X, XXVII, LXV, LXVI, XC, CLVI, CCXX, XXXI, CCXXXI, CCCLXX, CD, DCCCXIII (e.g. Liber B Vel Magi, Liber Liberi Vel Lapidis Lazuli, Liber Trigrammaton, Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente, Liber AL Vel Legis, Liber TAU Vel Kabbalae Trium Literarum). A beautiful fine copy ideal for discerning collectors.

“The Holy Books of Thelema are the chief legacy of their scribe, Aleister Crowley (1875-1947 e.V.). Their principal value to us, his heirs, lies not in their considerable literary merit, but rather in the insight and illumination these books yield on each reading. Written, as they were, on the most exalted planes of spiritual experience, they have a way of unfolding within the reader, of not only retaining, but increasing their relevance. Since these work were written through Crowley, they cannot be classed with those books of magical and mystical instruction consciously written by Crowley.”

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 15.2 × 22.4 × 2.4 cm