AGAINST THE LIGHT: A Nightside Narrative (First Edition)


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Kenneth Grant

Starfire Publishing, London, 1997. Hardcover with dust-jacket. First Edition. Limited to 950 copies. 120 pages plus advert and blanks. Mild shelf-wear, Near Fine.

An idle fancy sparked by curiosity opens a door on darkness. On learning that an ancestor was executed for witchcraft in the sixteenth century, the narrator is prompted to explore her history. Research having failed, he resorts to magical means and exposes an array of malefic Forces poised to invade the Earth. In a deserted Welsh ruin he discovers a grimoire revealing traffic between alien entities and their terrestrial agents. Rumoured to have lain for centuries in the custody of a Scottish clan, the grimoire’s existence is known to very few. Among them are powerful occultists, such as Aleister Crowley and Phineas Black, desperately tracking it down. The grimoire alone holds the keys – and the Sign of Protection. A chimera? An allegory? More aptly, a Warning. Civilization is careering to destruction: it may find the Sign – or, the Seal of its doom…

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Weight 0.366 kg