ESSAYS No.3 by Jerry Edward & Erica M. Cornelius (SIGNED)


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Jerry Edward Cornelius; Erica M. Cornelius

Privately Printed, Berkeley, California, USA 2016. Hardcover. Limited Edition, limited to 200 signed hardcover copies. Leather bound, no dust jacket, each issue approx. 300 pages. Brand New/Fine.

This volume includes only eight essays from No.81 to No.88 in our private archive. They detail years of study by Frater AO583. He was an upper degree initiate of OTO and the personal A.’.A.’. student of Grady Louis McMurtry. These essays explain the symbolism and theories regarding Frater AO583’s Thoth cards from The Fool to The Chariot. When Grady died, copies of two specific cards painted by AO583 were found on Grady’s private altar. According to Aleister Crowley, these specific paths relate to the foundation stones of the Eight Limbs of Yoga. By Crowley’s own admission, failure in any one of these limbs means complete inability to fulfill IXth Degree OTO and he notes– “The O.T.O. is a training of the Masonic type; there is no ‘astral’ work in it at all, nor any Yoga. There is a certain amount of Qabalah, and that of great doctrinal value. But the really vital matter is the gradual progress towards disclosure of the Secret of the Ninth Degree.” However, he’s quick to add – “To use that secret to advantage involves mastery both of Yoga and of Magick; but neither is taught in the Order.” (Magick Without Tears). These essays also show how these paths relate to the Minerval (Chokmah) and First Degree (Binah) OTO on the Tree of Life. These paths reveal the basics of Crowley’s sexual theories. This volume includes black and white reproductions of AO583’s oil paintings of his cards.

“The present volume of Essays comprises some of J. Edward Cornelius’ Tarot studies—specifically those related to OTO Minerval and First degrees. Yet if you think of this volume as ‘just a Tarot book,’ you will miss the intent. This is a book on the sacred lessons of the first eight Qabalistic Paths. Each Tarot card of the Major Arcana correlates to one of twenty-two specific paths on the Tree of Life. The first eight paths are all those that are connected to the three Supernal Sephiroth: Kether, Chokmah, and Binah. Thus, viewed microcosmically, they inevitably connect earthly to divine aspects of Self. Put another way, the eight paths Cornelius discusses in this book are the “true measure between Heaven and Earth”: BAPHOMET. Each of them represents a set of ‘wires’ between two specific points of esoteric anatomy that any practical Qabalist must develop and work in order to gain the freedom to do his Will. To that end, Cornelius gives many hints. This is what it is to do the Great Work, and this is what this book is all about.
Cornelius, an OTO upper degree under the direct tutelage of Grady Louis McMurtry, explores the secrets of the first eight Paths on the Tree of Life through a number of Thelemic and allied sources. Many are those which McMurtry directed him to study regarding the paths, even as Cornelius’ cards portray the secrets McMurtry taught him. Cornelius routinely includes Liber AL vel Legis and many of the other Holy Books; Aleister Crowley’s commentaries to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s The Seven Portals, from The Voice of the Silence; The Vision and the Voice; The Book of Lies; Magick in Theory and Practice; OTO sex magickal papers, books, and commentaries by Crowley and others; Liber Arcanorum; The Two and Twenty Secret Instructions of the Master from Crowley’s The Heart of the Master; Liber Viarum Viae; The Wake World, A Tale for Babes and Sucklings; McMurtry’s The Angel and the Abyss, A Cycle of 22 Poems in Honor of Our Maid of the Star Drifts; My Lady of the Breeches, A History with a Vengeance; and The Book of Thoth. For an overview of these correlations, readers are advised to consult Grady’s “cheat sheets,” which are published in Essays 1. In the present volume Cornelius explains the first eight of these correlations in full. He also draws upon a number of other Thelemic, Christian, Judaic, Hermetic, and psychological sources in order to elucidate mysteries relating to OTO Minerval and I°. In illuminating the first eight paths through the lenses of these various sources, Cornelius brings the foundation stones of Crowley’s magickal system into clear view and develops insights to be found nowhere else.

Though the views presented in this book ultimately derive from the archetypes of but one Adept, and so can be completely applicable for him alone, they nevertheless represent those of a Magus of some fifty years of study and initiatory experience who also happens to be the magickal heir of Grady Louis McMurtry, who was, in turn, the magickal heir of Aleister Crowley. In other words, they are the views of the Caliph of Thelema. Disagree with them, embrace them, hate them, or love them; for years to come they will undoubtedly provide you rich food for the magickal insights and thoughts that actually matter most: your own!” – Erica M Cornelius


No.81 – ON THE FOOL (October 16th 2013), 53 pages. This essay includes a color reproduction of AO583’s The Fool card. Discusses in-depth the symbolism behind this card and its relationship to sex magick and the Minerval Degree of O.T.O.. Includes sections on The Fool as ZRO, as Parzival, as the Minerval, as Er in the Myth Of Er, while also discussing the Eight Limbs of Yoga and in particular Yama as Crowley’s obligation for The Fool and the Minerval, also includes sections on the Parts of Speech in relationship to the Thoth cards, the Chakras, the Dew of the Minerval, Yoga and Oaths, Grady McMurtry’s poem of The Fool, a list of references found throughout Aleister Crowley’s works which relate to the path of The Fool and other many other topics. This essay is the foundation stone of the entire Tarot series.

No.82 – ON THE MAGUS (December 3rd 2013), 29 pages. This essay includes a color reproduction of AO583’s The Magus card. Discusses in-depth the symbolism behind this card and its relationship to sex magick. This path, along with the next six, are the paths relating to the Ist Degree of O.T.O.

No.83 – ON THE HIGH PRIESTESS (January 15th 2014), 21 pages. This essay includes a color reproduction of AO583’s The High Priestess card. Discusses in-depth the symbolism behind this card and its relationship to sex magick.

No.84 – ON THE EMPRESS (July 20th 2014), 17 pages. This essay includes a color reproduction of AO583’s The Empress card. Discusses in-depth the symbolism behind this card and its relationship to sex magick.

No.85 – ON THE STAR (July 24th 2014), 15 pages. This essay includes a color reproduction of AO583’s The Star card. Discusses in-depth the symbolism behind this card and its relationship to sex magick.

No.86 – ON THE HIEROPHANT (August 19th 2014), 23 pages. This essay includes a color reproduction of AO583’s The Hierophant card. Discusses in-depth the symbolism behind this card and its relationship to sex magick.

No.87 – ON THE LOVERS (September 21st 2014) ? pages. This essay includes a color reproduction of AO583’s The Lovers card. Discusses in-depth the symbolism behind this card and its relationship to sex magick.

No.88 – ON THE CHARIOT (October 10th 2014) ? pages. This essay includes a color reproduction of AO583’s The Chariot card. Discusses in-depth the symbolism behind this card and its relationship to sex magick.

From the A.’.A.’. Lineage who brought you Red Flame, A Thelemic Research Journal, The Aleister Crowley Desk Reference and The Magical Essence of Aleister Crowley and many other classics.

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