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Weston, Paul

Avalonian Aeon Publications, Glastonbury, UK, 2009. Paperback. First Edition. Signed by the author on title page. Brand New/Fine.

ALEISTER CROWLEY AND THE AEON OF HORUS Is another historical and cultural esoteric extravaganza from Paul Weston. An Aeon of Horus primer: from the Nazis to the atom bomb, LSD, and UFOlogy. Beyond the legend of infamy: Aleister Crowley the occult superstar, yogi, mountaineer, junkie, sexual adventurer, and mystical poet, the supreme prophet of the modern world? Also Featuring: Jack Parsons, L Ron Hubbard, Marjorie Cameron, JFC Fuller, Hitler, Jacques Vallee, Charles Manson, Timothy Leary, Guido von List, Meade Layne, Robert Anton Wilson, Phillip K Dick, Gerald Gardner, Rudolf Hess, HP Lovecraft, Rudolf Steiner, George Hunt Williamson, Anton Szandor LaVey, Wilhelm Reich, Gurdjieff, the Beatles, Robert Graves, George Van Tassell, Kenneth Grant, Alex Sanders, William Dudley Pelley, CG Jung, Kenneth Anger, Aldous Huxley, John Keel. Dealing with diverse and extraordinary subjects: Babalon Working, Sirius Mystery, Stele of Revealing, psychedelic sixties, Church of Satan, Process Church of the Final Judgement, rebirth of Witchcraft, Manson murders, Thule, orgone energy, Abraxas, Mothman, Illuminati, Men in Black, Gnostic revival, Nazi Occultism, Montauk, Loch Ness monster, Necronomicon, the psychology, magick, and mysticism of Thelema, the crossing of the Abyss, secret cipher, Extra-Terrestrial Gnosis.

Paul is an unashamed eclectic, describing himself in his books as a Psychic Questing, Reiki, Crowley, Mother Meera, Fellowship of Isis, Adi Da, Druid, Osho, Scientology, Gurdjieff, Anthony Robbins firewalking, Kriya Yoga, UFOlogical, Avalon of the Heart, 2012 kind of guy. Having completed a degree in the Study of Comparative Religion (for which he produced a dissertation on Nazi Occultism) in 1983, Paul moved on to a period working as a hypnotherapist. Meeting Andrew Collins in 1988, he became seriously involved in psychic questing and makes appearances in 3 of Collins’ books of that time, The Seventh Sword, The Circlemakers, and The Second Coming. Moving to Glastonbury in 1995 he immediately began a four-year period of a hundred public presentations on esoteric topics. From there he progressed to ten years of writing which resulted in his inter-related first three books, Mysterium Artorius, Aleister Crowley and the Aeon of Horus, and Avalonian Aeon. As a long-term resident he is passionately interested in all aspects of the total Glastonbury package of history and mythology and the current extraordinary spontaneous social experiment that the town itself represents. Paul is currently once again engaging in an extensive sequence of lectures to promote his books.

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