Priest/ess: In Advocacy of Queer Gnostic Mass (Limited Edition Hardcover)


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Michael Effertz

Published by Luxor Media, West Hollywood, California, 2013. First Trade Edition. Hardcover. 102 pages.  Octavo. Blue textured cloth, with gilt titling to the spine and front board. Black & white frontispiece. Edition limited to a total of 220 numbered copies, the first 31 of which comprised the red-bound “Deluxe Edition” with the remaining 189 copies, numbered 32 – 220, making up the blue-bound “Trade Edition”. This copy is un-numbered. Priest/ess was first produced in an edition of only 44 copies for private circulation, while this 2013 edition was the first public edition.

 “Priest/ess harkens back to the ‘mirrors for princes’ literary tradition and offers in-depth philosophical, magical, sociological and historical analyses of gender roles in the central ceremony of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) with an aim toward motivating the reformation of O.T.O. policy to openly embrace queer celebrations of the Gnostic Mass. … In addition to a series of original essays, Priest/ess includes a robust and suggestive collection of citations from the source material, including the diaries of Aleister Crowley and the writings of Sabazius, current National Grand Master General of United States Grand Lodge O.T.O. While Priest/ess directly addresses the O.T.O., its peerlesss exploration of gender and sexuality in the Gnostic Mass specifically and Thelema generally makes it an item of interest for Thelemites worldwide.” 



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