Full size replica Stele Of Revealing, approx 50.5 x 30.5 x 2.5 cm. Straight out of an opera†tonal temple, slight shelf-wear (ok altar wear) with the faint smell of incense, I wonder how many Gnostic Masses this has witnessed! In Very Good condition.
“The Stele is a painted, wooden offering stele, discovered in 1858 at the mortuary temple of Hatshepsut at Dayr al-Bahri. It was originally made for the Montu-priest Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu i. On the front Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu can be seen; he is presenting offerings to the falcon-headed god Re-Harakhty (“Re-Horus of the Two Horizons”), a synchronistic form of the gods Ra and Horus, who is seated on a throne. The symbol of the west, the place of the Dead, is seen behind Re-Harakhty. Above the figures is a depiction of Nut, the sky goddess who stretches from horizon to horizon. Directly beneath her is the Winged Solar Disk, Horus of Behdet. The stele is also known as the “Stele of Revealing” and is a central element of the religious philosophy Thelema founded by Aleister Crowley.” – wikipedia