The Book of the Law (Liber AL vel Legis)


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Aleister Crowley; Rose Edith Crowley; Hymenaeus Beta (intro)

Red Wheel/Weiser Books, San Francisco, California, 2014. Hardcover. Fifth printing. 160 pages. Centennial Edition. Deluxe hardcover edition fittingly issued in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Liber AL vel Legis’s transmission to Crowley. Features new scans of the original manuscript, with Crowley’s notes and annotations found in later drafts of the work. It also contains new material from variant editions and an introduction by Hymenaeus Beta XII- head of Crowley’s legacy order, the OTO. Brand New.

This edition includes the revised “Aum! let it kill me” change from “Aum! let it fill me” as authorised by Ordo Templi Orientis.

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” Dictated to Crowley in Cairo between noon and 1:00p.m. on three successive days in April 1904, The Book of the Law is the source book and key for Crowley students and for the occult in general. The holy text that forms the basis of Crowley’s belief system, Thelema, was transmitted to him by the entity known as Aiwass over the course of three fateful April days in 1904. With his wife Rose as the medium for what would become known as the Cairo Working, Crowley dutifully transcribed the communications on hotel stationery. The pamphlet has since passed into occult legend. Its full title is Liber AL vel Legis, sub figura CCXX, as delivered by XCIII=418 to DCLXVI, and it is commonly referred to as The Book of the Law. Although the “messenger” of AL was Aiwass, Aiwass presents the Book as an expression of three god-forms of the three chapters, Nuit, Hadit, and Ra-Hoor-Khuit.”Liberty stirs once more in the womb of Time. . . The “abnormal” man who foresees the trend of the times and adapts circumstance intelligently is laughed at, persecuted, often destroyed by the herd; but he and his heirs, when the crisis comes, are survivors.”

For the first time, The Book of the Law is offered in a deluxe, hardcover edition fittingly issued in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Liber AL vel Legis’s transmission to Crowley. The holy text that forms the basis of Crowley’s belief system, Thelema, was transmitted to him by the entity known as Aiwass over the course of three fateful April days in 1904. With his wife Rose as the medium for what would become known as the Cairo Working, Crowley dutifully transcribed the communications on hotel stationery.

Additional information

Weight 0.440 kg
Dimensions 18.4 × 14.6 × 1.9 cm